Monday, June 29, 2009

CFD Broker - Make the Choice - Not A Mistake

Today, this article will discuss about the CFD market, and how you can find a great online CFD broker when you do decide to jump on the wagon and become a CFD Trader. Most of the CFD Brokers today offer the ability to be able to trade online, CFD trade over the phone, or CFD trade from you mobile phone.

Forex Scalping Strategy

Forex scalping is the art of using high leverage and a large number of short term trades to steadily increase an account. Usually, only 1 to 5 pips are targeted for each trade. This type of trading appeals greatly to day traders and those looking to minimize the risk involved in trading currencies. Next to money management, "risk control" is the single most important trait to a surviving (and thriving) currency trader. The small amount of time that is spent in the market limits much of the risk in exposure in comparison to a longer term system. Also, the freedom involved in a speedy Forex scalping system in such a liquid market is a "magnet" that drives many traders from other markets to try their hand in currency. A disciplined and steady scalper could seamlessly double or triple an account, and spend only a fraction of the time in the market as a common day trader.

Forex Money Management by FX Master

Money management is a critical point that shows difference between winners and losers. It was proved that if 100 traders start trading using a system with 60% winning odds, only 5 traders will be in profit at the end of the year. In spite of the 60% winning odds 95% of traders will lose because of their poor money management. Money management is the most significant part of any trading system. Most of traders don't understand how important it is.
source :

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How To Quickly Analyze Forex Pairs Using Marketclub's Trading Service

Today I want to share with you a short trading video from the team at Marketclub that shows you how you can use their trade triangle technology to quickly analyze the various currency pairs, and tells you whether you should be in or out of the markets.
To go into a little more detail, this video looks at 13 different forex pairs as well as the Dollar Index and will show you just one of the ways you can take advantage of Marketclub's signals using both short and long-term trade triangles in conjunction with short-term trends and moving average indicators.
If you would like to watch this video, you can do so by clicking here.


Forex Exit Strategies: The Two Part Exit Strategy

In forex trading the exit strategy really is very important. Many people spend all of their time developing a winning system, and then once they've done so they will employ a strict stop loss policy to minimize their losses. However they will then neglect the exit strategy because they are just happy to be making some money, but in the long run you really do need to develop an exit strategy that will maximize your gains.

Forex Income Engine 2.0 Review

Forex Income Engine 2.0 is a day trading course from Bill Poulos that provides you with 3 separate intraday trading methods. These methods can be used in any time frame so are therefore ideal for day traders, or people who only have a limited amount of time to trade every day.
I was lucky enough to receive a review copy of the Forex Income Engine 2.0 course prior to it's official launch so let me give you my full review of this product:
More on Forex Income Engine 2.0 Review
